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Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan Medicine, known as Sowa Rigpa, is an ancient healing practice with roots dating back a thousand years in the Himalayan region. It employs a range of diagnostic methods, including pattern differentiation, tongue and pulse analysis, urine inspection, orbital and facial analysis, and palpation, to assess an individual's symptoms.


Influenced by Ayurvedic Medicine, Buddhist philosophy, the Tibetan Bön tradition, and astrology, Tibetan Medicine posits that bodily conditions arise from an imbalance among the three NYEPA: Lung, Tripa, and Beken (Wind, Bile, and Phlegm). These NYEPA correspond to the three poisons in Buddhist philosophy—attachment, anger, and ignorance. Diseases affecting the body, mind, and spirit result from disharmony among these three elements, which in turn have a direct influence on the five elements that compose our world.


Traditional Tibetan Medicine practitioners (known as Manpa or Amchi) formulate herbs remedies using over 70 varieties of varieties of ingredients, creating pills, decoctions, powders, oils, and wines. These formulations are often prepared during a patient's clinic visit, allowing for a personalized approach to symptom relief.







The formulas employed in Cheezheng's plaster and other products have been developed through extensive consultations with renowned Tibetan Medicine professionals in local clinics.

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